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All digital – is it?

This was the more or less suitable title of last weeks talk hosted by CSU (Bavarias governing party) during Filmfest München. Topic: What chances provides the huge trend of digitalization to film industry? Sures we did not miss out on meeting up with industries heavy weights to talk about the future. Bavarian minister of state responsible for media Ilse Aigner, Trixter-Founder Michael Coldewey, Achim Rohnke (Manager Bavaria Film GmbH) and Stephan Schenk (ARRI Group) joined the events stage.

The basic problem the region is facing, is the sites deficient image concerning digital motion picture technology. Though big players like ARRI (best digital movie cameras) or Trixter (SFX) are seated in Munich, the big projects are being realized elsewhere. Berlin, London and Toronto – cities known for the creativity of their digital movie scene – worked hard for their headstart. Like this Bavaria is missing out on profitable opportunities. Reason for that is not so much a shortage of skills, what we are experiencing is more a forced brain drain as for now skilled people have to move to the booming areas to get a job.

So what to do? All three speakers were favouring an adjustment of the model for promoting the industry. But on the other hand they were not too optimistic about this happening in the near future. So we say, let’s do it ourselves and make a first step:

We think, Munich is an exceptional site for technological development in film industry. The leading camera manifacturer (ARRI), a huge film studio (Bavaria) and other global leaders like Ambient Recording and DedoWeigert provide a creative surrounding which benefits young developpers like easySCOTT working for new solutions.

We want to stand up for Munich and Bavaria as an important site in film industry, but to change the current image there is much more work to do. We are looking forward to working together with you to make this change happen!