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easySCOTT features Adobe Story Import

We are happy to announce that we have accomplished the enhancement of the easySCOTT import function that makes the preperations for a project as easy as possible for the Script Supervisor.

Our vision: to be able to import data from every preproduction tool via the easySCOTT webaccess. The benefit: no more double work for the Script Supervisor. All scenes, cast members, location etc. have already been generated and the project can just start without any further preps.

Our latest partner in this field is a real big player: Adobe. Their relatively new and powerful preproduction tool Adobe Story includes almost all steps from scheduling to script writing. And easySCOTT can now import all relevant data from Adobe Story via .astx upload. Care to find out how it works? Just watch our short How-To!

The next tools on our list will follow soon!