The easySCOTT Team will be heading for the NABShow in Las Vegas yet another year. This time, we won’t have our own booth but share one with our new partner in technology: Ambient Recording. In the future, Ambient will take care of the international distribution of our software solutions for professional on set metadata management.
In the German speaking countries the App for Script Supervisors, the Metadata Box and our on-set services will still be available under our brand name easySCOTT. Ambient however will internationally launch the products as the LockitSCRIPT App, the ACN Master and the LockitSCRIPT Services.
We are so excited about the cooperation – for two reasons:
Firstly, because now what belongs together is growing together. With easySCOTT, you gather the metadata live on set and transfer it to the post to safe a lot of time with preparing the cut. But a sensible connection to the timecode (tc) was missing so far. So, where do you find the best, most precise and accurate timecode in the world? Luckily, it’s only a couple of kilometers away from us: Ambient Recording is located in Munich, just as we are. What a great coincidence that the developers at Ambient had started work on an on-set metadata network they called the Ambient Clockit Network (ACN), too. That was why we connected to build a fruitful partnership in technology and distribution.
This leads us to advantage no. 2: Ambient Recoding is a renowned company with many years of experience in the trade. They stand for quality and German efficiency and have an excellent selected international sales network. We will sure benefit from this partnership and hope our metadata solution will get some international impulses.
Experts in the movie branch will have a great chance to get a glance on the first results of our cooperation on the NAB Show in Las Vegas. Aside from the very latest version of our App for Script Supervisors, we will present the beta version of our new “Tonmeister” App for Sound Mixers (incl. remote controlling of the 788T by Sound Devices) and the whole metadata network (incl. ACN and Tiny Lockits).
More new products from Ambient presented this year are: the magnificent BlueTooth Dongle named “Beetle” (ACN-BT), the TinyMike (ATM 216) and the new version of the TC slate (ACN-LS)
Find us at the NAB Show from April 7th till 10th in the Central Hall on Booth C544. If you need tickets, you are welcome to use our customer Code: LV9857
For scheduling an appoitment please directly contact us via The booth you find here:
See u there! Looking forward.