We pushed the first update for the app store versions of easySCOTT (https://itunes.apple.com/de/app/easyscott-die-software-fur/id830594963?mt=8) and LockitSCRIPT app (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ambient-lockitscript/id842485792?mt=8), these days.
So now, Script Supervisors all over the world have even more reason to be excited. Not only did we fix some minor bugs but with our improved app, you benefit from a preview of the daily progress report right in the app. Up to now, you could only get the automatically generated calculations and statistics if the production company booked our easySCOTT or LockitSCRIPT services. We now enable also the users of the app store version to get a glimpse on the daily progress report.
That’s one more good reason for the Script Supervisor to buy the app: have your logs generated automatically and completely paperless for a really low price. It’s time you become a Digital Script Supervisor.
For streamlined workflow and comfort it’s still recommendable to book our metadata services. Because we offer you costomized reports as Excel- and PDF-Files to edit, send or download from the cloud – always according to your specific needs.